Arriva lo Psych Out Festival 2016: il 7/8 ottobre a ElBarrio di Torino - lo Psych out festival official teaser

Per il terzo anno lo Psych Out Festival arriva a Torino: dal 7 ottobre a El Barrio ... concerti, expo posters, live art, stands, food and drink , light show by brainillusions, beat girls go-go dancers, dj-and music all night long !!! Con The Vickers, Moonrite, The Cleopatras, 23 and Beyond the Infinite, Wanda De Lullabies ...
Psych Out Festival ed El Barrio
sono felici di presentare:
Psych Out Festival 2016
7 ottobre – 9 ottobre
El Barrio
Strada Provinciale di Cuorgnè 81, 10156 Torino
Guarda lo Psych out festival official teaser qui sotto!
(Dedicated to Roger Corman e Russ Meyer and all sixties B-movies directors
Director / Editor: Luca Mazza - Screenplay: Giampo Coppa)
Friday 7 October 2016
Saturday 8 October 2016
Strada Provinciale di Cuorgnè n°81 Torino (Italy)
Live bands, expo posters, live art, stands, food and drink ,
light show by brainillusions, beat girls go-go dancers, dj-and music all night long !!!
One night pass 10 euro - Two night pass 15 euro
Friday 7th october
20.00 Doors Open
Psych Out Festival People / dj set
22.00 Opticzoo fashion
22.15 Wanda De Lullabies - She comes from outer space / show (
22.45 The Vickers / live ( -
24.00 The Baron & Paolo Acid Lemon dj set
Saturday 8th october
18.00 Doors Open
19.00 Flash Back Sofa’ / talk show
20.00 Mystic Sister / dj set (
21.30 The Cleopatras / live ( -
22.30 23 and Beyond the Infinite / live ( -
23.30 Moonrite / live ( -
Wanda De Lullabies - She comes from outer space / go go dancer
24.30 Riccardo IconOut / dj set (
Bonnie Bang! / dj set - Brainillusions / liquid light show
How to get:
Bus: 4 Direction Falchera / Last Stop | 46 From Porta Susa | 50
Sfm: 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 Stazione Stura - Car: Highway exit Corso Giulio Cesare
Food: pizza | sandwiches | hamburgers
Hotel Sharing
Via Ribordone 12 Torino - +39.011.2243024
Info: - -
El Barrio: Strada Provinciale di Cuorgne' 81, Torino - +39.011.2222554