Supersuckers (Usa,“The Evil Powers of R‘n’R), 30 Th Anniversary  in concerto a Torino, Blah Blah

Supersuckers (Usa,“The Evil Powers of R‘n’R), 30 Th Anniversary  in concerto a Torino, Blah Blah

Supersuckers (Usa,“The Evil Powers of R‘n’R): il 30 Th Anniversary Tour al Blah Blah di Torino (Ingresso 10 euro, in abbonamento con The Fleshtones il giorno dopo 17 euro!)

Blah Blah


Martedì 4 dicembre ore 22.00 

Supersuckers (Usa,“The Evil Powers of R‘n’R),

Il 30 Th Anniversary Tour al Blah Blah di Torino

Ingresso 10 euro

in abbonamento con The Fleshtones il giorno dopo 17 euro!

Blah Blah, via Po 21, 10124 Torino

Info: 392 704 5240 - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Eddie Spaghetti - Vocals, Bass. 

'Metal' Marty Chandler - Guitar, Vocals. 

'Captain' Chris Von Streicher - Drums.

You’ve heard our name, you’ve seen our records, our t-shirts and our stickers. We’re probably the favorite band of someone you know and yet maybe we’re still a mystery to you. Well my friend, that’s okay, you’re at the right place to get to know the greatest rock-n-roll band in the world, The Supersuckers.

And the next time you see the ‘Supersuckers’ name, whether it’s in the record store, online somewhere, or on the marquee at your local rock club, know that there’s some quality, honest, ass-kicking, hard working individuals behind it all trying to make your life a little better through the “Evil Powers Of Rock-n-Roll” (and the occasional detour into the country music, of course) and we’d love nothing better than to have you there with us as! Just remember to wear clean underwear, because we’re gonna rock your pants right off of you. - Eddie Spaghetti, Rock Guy (The Supersuckers)








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