I RADIO MOSCOW al Blah Blah di Torino domani, giovedì 16 Luglio

I RADIO MOSCOW al Blah Blah di Torino domani, giovedì 16 Luglio

Blah Blah 


domani, giovedì 16 Luglio


Ingresso 8 euro!!


via Po 21 - telefono: 392.7045240, 10124 Torino

Ennesimo ritorno per il power trio psych-blues dell’ Iowa Radio Moscow che (ri)abraccia l’Europa con il bagaglio del quarto album ‘Magical Dirt’ uscito nel giugno 2014.

Nascono nel 2003 per mano del cantante e polistrumentista Parker Griggs. Nonostante i continui cambi di formazione riescono ad entrare in contatto con Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys) e a firmare un contratto con la Alive Naturalsound Records.


Il primo disco (omonimo, 2007) vede proprio Dan Auerbach in fase di produzione. Il sound proposto dalla band è un blues rock molto influenzato da band quali Cream, The Jimi Hendrix Experience e Blue Cheer, ma che non disdegna escursioni anche in territori stoner rock (soprattutto nelle ultime produzioni).

Trends come and go, but the idea of a bunch of guys getting together in a garage and playing the kind of music that makes the neighbors call the cops — that’s forever. And it’s that idea that’s crystallized in the form of Radio Moscow. The power trio led by the Stratocaster genius Parker Griggs have found THE formula : powerful, crunching Sabbathstyle chords and fiery solos that earn the right to be called Hendrixian and plants its flag firmly in the territory where psychedelic rock and cranked-up blues meet. Parker’s demo caught the ear of The Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach, who produced the 2007 self-titled debut. With « Brain Cycles », their second album Radio Moscow proves that they’re not a cheap time machine but a direct descendant from the golden age of Rock’n’Roll. In 2011, Griggs continued his psychedelic trip with « The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz » realesed by Alive Records. Just this year the band recorded their first album as a full trio untitled “Magical Dirt”. The band is on the road now supporting the new album, check the tour section to see if they are coming near you!



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