Peter Broderick pres. lo streaming di "It's A Storm When I Sleep", primo brano tratto dall'EP "Grunewald" in uscita il 9/12 per Erased Tapes/Audioglobe

Peter Broderick pres. lo streaming di



JaLa mediacrivities

In occasione della pubblicazione il 9 dicembre di "Grunewald Ep”,

Peter Broderick


lo streaming di “It’s A Storm When I Sleep”, brano tratto da “Grunewald Ep”,

5 tracce in uscita il 9 dicembre su etichetta Erased Tapes/Audioglobe, che proseguono gli esperimenti intrapresi in “Partners”, accostando una serie di voci e violini su piano recordings

Dopo l’anteprima con The Line Of Best Fit, ascolta e condividi “It’s A Storm When I Sleep”:

Album pre-order link:

Tra le prime firme dell’etichetta neoclassica Erased Tapes Records, l’artista originario di Portland, ma di stanza a Berlino 
è noto per la sua capacità di trasportare le emozioni nel mondo della musica contemporanea. Tra i migliori esempi di neoclassica, 
Peter Broderick ha registrato “Grunewald EP” in una sola notte, all’interno della maestosa Grunewald Church a Berlino.
5 tracce in cui il piano si fonde con l’architettura, il violino ed una serie di voci.

Born in just one night inside the four walls of the discrete yet majestic Grunewald Church, situated on the outskirts of Berlin, this five-track EP is an exploration of the alluring partnership between the acoustic space and Broderick's solo performance on piano and violin. Reflecting the grandeur of the room and the natural interaction between the instruments and their surrounding environment, 'Grunewald' pays homage to a very unusual space that's become a haven for an entire generation of contemporary composers.

Words from Peter, October 2016:
“In the few years between 2008 and 2011 or so, the Grunewald Church in Berlin was something of a hotspot for a group of us musicians. It started when Nils scouted it as a location in which to record The Bells . . . and then it seemed like we were in there every month or two for a while, either for recordings or for concerts. There was a lady living just down the street from the church, and we’d just knock on her door, give her a couple hundred euros, and then she’d hand over the keys to the church! To be given unsupervised access in a space like that is really quite unheard of most of the time… For anyone who likes reverb, the Grunewald is a dream come true. That in combination with the beautiful old Bösendorfer piano made it the perfect place for both recording and performing. When mixing the recordings that comprise this EP, simply titled Grunewald in homage to that old haven of ours, there were no artificial reverbs or delays used . . . only the natural sound of that epic space. Originally these piano recordings were released as part of a split album on a small Japanese label, and the violin piece was included on a compilation, also Japanese . . . but all these pieces were recorded on the same night, in the same space, and it is with great pleasure that I see them reunited for this release.”
Circa l’artista:
Peter Broderick è un compositore americano originario dell’Oregon che da anni vive a Berlino. Cresciuto come polistrumentista, è diventato velocemente popolare come turnista per M. Ward a Portland e si è esibito dal vivo come membro della band danese Efterklang fin dal 2007. Attraverso tour senza sosta, registrazioni multiple di album e colonne sonore per film si è affermato come artista solista e collaboratore di contemporanei come il compagno di etichetta Nils Frahm. Il suo dono innato di medium della musica, il prendere in mano qualsiasi strumento per trasformare i suoi pensieri in canzoni, ha fatto conquistare a questo giovane compositore molti cuori in tutto il mondo. - - Twitter: @JaLaMedia


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