Spazio211 Torino: Tum & Time To Kill con Spazio 211 presentano Ufomammut in "Fenice release show"

Spazio211 Torino: Tum & Time To Kill con Spazio 211 presentano Ufomammut in

Tum & Time To Kill con Spazio 211: gli Ufomammut tornano in concerto col "Fenice release show", giovedì 27 aprile 2023; apertura by O. Gli Ufomammut si sono formati alla fine degli anni '90 da Poia (chitarra, FX) e Urlo (basso, voce, FX, synth), risorgendo dalle ceneri della passata band Judy Corda, insieme a Vita (batteria); come ogni buon trip psichedelico, la musica degli Ufomammut è sempre stata indissolubilmente intrecciata con l'arte visiva. O ha visto la luce durante il mese di aprile 2010. L'obiettivo musicale della band è creare un suono che incorpori elementi influenzati da diversi tipi di musica estrema, come post-hardcore, post-metal e black-metal.

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Tum & Time To Kill in collaborazione con Spazio 211 



finalmente tornano in concerto conl "Fenice release show"

apertura by O

Giovedì 27 aprile 2023 ore 21

Ingresso 15€

Spazio 211, Via Cigna 211, Torino


Bio Ufomammut

Ufomammut formed in the late 90s by Poia (guitars, FXs) and Urlo (bass, vocals, FXs, synths), rising from the ashes of past band Judy Corda, together with Vita (drums)

For more than two decades, Ufomammut has combined the heaviness and majesty of dynamic riff worship with a nuanced understanding of psychedelic tradition and history in music, creating a cosmic, futuristic, and technicolor sound destined for absolute immersion. 

The new album Fenice (“phoenix” in Italian) represents endless rebirth and the ability to start again after everything seems doomed. The album (out via Neurot Recordings) is the first recording with new drummer Levre joining Poia and Urlo, marking a new chapter in the band’s history and unveiling a more intimate, free sound for the group.

While the band is renowned for their psychedelic travels into the far reaches of the cosmos, Fenice is a much more introspective listening experience. The album was conceived as a single concept track, divided in six facets of this inward-facing focus. Sonic experimentations abound in the exploration of this central theme; synths and experimental vocal effects are featured more prominently than ever before as the band push themselves ever further into the uncharted territory of their very identity.

Each oscillation of this extraordinary album feels inevitable. The members of Ufomammuth are, after all, masters of their craft, and when it comes to creating enveloping sonic journeys into the unknown, it’s their uninhibited sense of exploration that breaches new sonic ground. Fenice is the sound of a band whose very essence has been rejuvenated and are welcoming the chance to create music in the way they know best; by unfolding carefully and attentively, by melding those extreme dynamics which render Fenice as a living and breathing creature, and by writing gargantuan riffs that herald their very rebirth.

Poia and Urlo are both founding members of rock ‘n’ roll graphic design collective Malleus, and of the label Supernatural Cat (who most recently put out the solo albums of Urlo, under the name, The Mon).

Like any good psychedelic trip, the music of Ufomammut has always been inextricably intertwined with visual art. Poia describes longer compositions “like a painting” as if to reinforce the relevance and importance of visual art in Ufomammut’s music.

Very Important:

Ufomammut= Ufo: U(nidentified) F(lying) O(bject) – Mammut: italian for mammoth

“Ufomammut” should be pronounced in the italian way, sounding like “oofomammoot”…

Ufomammut are:

Poia – Guitars and Fxs

Urlo – Bass, Vocals, Fxs and Synths

Levre – Drums & Fxs

Ciccio – Soundlord

Bio O:

O saw the light during the month of April, 2010. The musical aim of the band is to create a sound which incorporates elements influenced by different types of extreme music, like post-hardcore, post-metal and black-metal, but without restricting the personal research and evolution. The intensity of music is paired by the lyrics, existential and negative.

The first official release dates back to January 2011, with the split 7” shared with the Italian post-grind band Hungry Like Rakovitz. It’s been pressed in 500 copies, 100 of which were the hand numbered gold vinyl version.

In June 2012, O releases, signing with Grindpromotion, their first full length, called “Il Vuoto Perfetto”. The record features nine unreleased songs and it’s been anticipated by a musical video for “Non è Vivo”. The album has been recorded in Ravenna at Studio 73 (Extrema, The Secret, Ephel Duath…) by Riccardo “Paso” Pasini.

In the meantime, the O live experience grew with gigs with, among the others, Napalm Death, Unsane, Raw Power, Necrodeath, The Secret, Celeste, Fuck The Facts, Big Business, Birds In Row, Forgotten Tomb, Jungbluth, Hexis,This Gift Is A Curse, Implore, Rorcal…

After the change of the drummer occurred in 2013, in October 2015 O release “Pietra”. A one-side vinyl with five tracks, recorded and mixed by Riccardo “Paso” Pasini and mastered by Alan Douches (Converge, Mastodon, Nile…). “Pietra” is coproduced by Grindpromotion Records and Unquiet Records.

In 2020, came out “Antropocene”, a brand new album with 9 unreleased tracks produced in four vinyl version by Shove Records (Italy) and Zegema Beach Records (U.S.A. / Canada).







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27.04 Ufomammut + O

9.05 Peter White (Ita)

11.05 Mick Harvey & Sometimes With Others

13.05 The Soft Moon

19.05 Bohren & Der Club Of Gore

10.06 Come

30.06 Kurt Vile And The Violators - Open Air

05.07 Tamino - open air

13.10 Derrick Mckenzie & Fun-Konnection

Spazio211 . Built To R-Esist Area

Via Cigna 211, 10155, Torino (Italy)

ph: (+39) 011.19705919


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