Primavera Sound 2012: confermati WILCO, THE DRUMS, GODFLESH, MUDHONEY e altri ...

Primavera Sound 2012: confermati WILCO, THE DRUMS, GODFLESH, MUDHONEY e altri ...

WILCO, THE DRUMS, GODFLESH e SBTRKT sono tra i nuovi confermati per il Primavera Sound 2012; anche i pionieri del grunge Mudhoney (nella loro formazione originale), i Death In Vegas e Josh T. Pearson sono tra gli altri artisti confermati!

The band fronted by Jeff Tweedy with their excellent album "The Whole Love" fresh off the press, the New Yorkers The Drums defending their second record that is steeped in danceable pop, the chillwave of Washed Out, the new British sensation Veronica Falls and the members of Elephant 6 Olivia Tremor Control are the new bands that have joined the line up of the San Miguel Primavera Sound and Optimus Primavera Sound festivals, that will take place next spring in Barcelona and Porto respectively. The band from New York, The Walkmen, however, will only play at the Portuguese edition to present their new album after the success of “Lisbon”.


After being announced for Optimus Primavera Sound, Shellac have also confirmed that they will play at what will be the twelfth edition of San Miguel Primavera Sound. The Barcelona festival has more additions to its programme, among which the masters of metal Godflesh, who made a comeback last year, stand out. The pioneers of grunge Mudhoney (with the original formation), the clashing of electronic and psychedelic music from Death in Vegas, SBTRKT (one of the most powerful electronic music projects from the UK), the former member of Lift To Experience Josh T. Pearson and a much awaited band, by our most faithful followers: the heroes of 90s indie-rock Archers Of Loaf.


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